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Jumat, 01 November 2013

Tips For Avoiding A Variety Of Skin Diseases

Health Agency is a very important thing and should also always do. There is nothing more valuable in addition to health. As rich as apaun us, if not the healthy and diseased as well there is no point and is not happy. The health agency is our assets to always live better longer. Health Agency an awful lot of that stuff, diataranya is the spiritual and physical health. Physical health is still divided into lots, namely, eye health, brain, lung, SAC, liver, kidney, skin health and much more. Talking about skin health, it certainly is an interesting topic. The skin is part of the aesthetic of the us, let alone for the womenfolk. To maintain healthy skin, of course we have to do the special care that. It's also meant to mengindari the incidence of skin diseases that are dangerous. An example of a skin disease in question is acne, skin itching, red, herpesm skin irritation and many more of that stuff. To prevent the incidence of skin diseases such that the number, we need to take precautions such as the following:
 1. Take a shower at least two times in a day. 

With bath at least 2 times a day, your skin will be clean well maintained escape from skin disease. Because usually people who seldom bathed will easily contract the disease fungus that will cause skin disease 

2. Change clothes every day. 

Cleanliness is the most important thing in maintaining skin health. If the clothes that we use is the best dirty clothes, this can cause the onset of panu and also a fungus on the skin.

3. don't be in the Sun for too long when during the day

The Sun indeed is good, but it's only certain hours. When it's been hours 09.00 to dusk, the nature of the Sun is evil because he's already contains ultra violaet can menimbulakn some serious problems on the skin are skin into burning, irritation and also trigger the onset of cancer of the skin. To that end, if you want to travel during the day above 09.00, we recommend you use lotions and also protective jackets to avoid exposure to sunlight directly.

 4. Avoid scratching the skin too hard.
 This could cause skin abrasions. If you are indeed being itchy, preferably at your normal course. And if you're still itching, you can wind or oil slathered balm to relieve itching it.

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